Spring Cleaning for The Body Mind and Soul
Spring is not near – it’s here and it’s an excellent time to turn our house upside down, clean every dark corner, rotate mattresses, clear the garden and turn the wardrobes inside out, all in order to get a clean slate. As responsible homeowners, we are likely to spend hours on end to do all this. We put all this effort and time into our homes, why don’t we do it for our bodies, souls and minds? And then it hit me! Spring is also a great time for spring cleansing!
Clean your body mind and soul! Here are a few tips on how to achieve it:
#1 De-Clutter Your Mind
Surely the wintry emotional climate has seen quite a lot of “dust” and “grime” build up on your mind and soul. It’s time to de-clutter physically and emotionally. Many people underestimate the power of cleaning, but there are powerful emotions lurking amidst items we keep. Some bring us joy, warmth and pleasant memories, while others are reminders of past mistakes, bitter disappointments and toxic friendships. Who needs that? Get rid of everything that brings to life bitter memories and regrets.
#2 Renew Your Work Out Routine
Spring is a great time to put winter clothes and heavy coats away and see which summer clothes are still a good fit. It’s also a time to revise your workout routine and if you have forgotten the last time you hit the gym, spring is a great motivator to do just that. So, clean up the dust from your work out equipment and make a schedule for your exercises and runs. One of my favourite expressions goes: “You can’t get the bottom you want by sitting on it”. Get moving and get rid of the things that stop you from exercising. Another way to get your fair share of exercises is when you clean the home. Whether that be a weekly clean-up, or an entire spring cleaning. A clean home and fit body are always a win-win combination and in a clean home you will feel 10 times better and more accomplished.
#3 Cleanse Your System
We clean our homes, scrub every corner and get rid of all the rubbish, but why is it that we so often ignore to do the same with our bodies? They need this spring cleaning as much as your home needs it. Plus, taking a bloated belly to the beach is not cool at all. One way to start cleansing your system and detoxing your body is to switch to a lighter, low-carb, low-fat diet and to drink more liquids. Give infused waters a try too. As the weather is getting warmer fruit and herb-infused waters are a great way to get more liquids in. Find a mason jar and fill it up with water and the fruits and herbs of your choosing. You can use lemon, lime, green apple, orange, grapefruit, all kinds of berries, cucumbers and kiwis. Grapefruits contain an enzyme that fries fat and lemon helps flush the toxins out. Berries and apples are great antioxidants and cucumbers are great for hydrating the body. As for the herbs, you can use mint, sage, rosemary, cilantro, cinnamon and thyme. Mint is known for its appetite suppressing and refreshing qualities and is perfect if you need a punch to wake up in the morning. If you anticipate being anxious and stressed at work on a particular day, add cinnamon or thyme for comfort. Find more exciting infused water recipes here.
#4 Polish Your Attitude
If you have noticed that winter has made you a bit grumpy, anxious, or easily irritated, it’s time to let the sun in and have a more positive outlook towards life and people in general. Clean the windows of your soul, become more trusting and positive towards people and let them in. Once you do that you will see most people mean you well and are worth your trust. Winters are usually a period when we spend more time at home and less time out socialising. Spring is a great time to get your barbecue all cleaned up and to start planning for garden parties and cocktails. It’s also a great time for new friendships to form and for new opportunities to show up.
#5 Spring Cleaning Your Finances
Finances are a very important part of our lives. To a huge extend financial security gives us a peace of mind and provides us with a platform to put our dreams and goals into plans. Keeping your finances in good order and carrying a quick spring-clean-like revision is a great way to determine bad financial decisions and wasteful practices early on. In addition, you can use your spring cleaning to earn an extra buck to also add to your savings, or towards your loan. You can sell online stuff that are in good condition, but you no longer use, or you can monetize forgotten gift vouchers, discounts and deals. You can also revise your shopping lists, as well as your credit card and mortgage plans. Sort out your bills, deadlines and statements for smoother payments.
Hope that gave you an idea how to approach this year’s spring cleaning and I hope with all my heart it will help keep your soul happy and healthy!
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